In addition to local flower delivery in Nauwigewauk NB, The Potting Shed provides floral delivery services to the following nearby areas:
Quispamsis, New Brunswick
Rothesay, New Brunswick
Saint John, New Brunswick
Hampton, New Brunswick
Kingston, New Brunswick
Norton, New Brunswick
We also provide delivery to nearby hospitals and funeral homes.
When sending flowers to the hospital, just follow a few guidelines:
Know the patient's full name
Know the room number
Confirm if they are allowed to receive flowers at the hospital
Know the name and address of the hospital
When sending flowers to a funeral home, just follow a few guidelines:
Know the deceased full name
Know the date of the funeral service
Know the name and address of the funeral home
Let us know if it is designated for a particular family member
Please place your order by 4:00 pm, at least 1 day prior to when you want it delivered.
A local delivery fee will be added to each order, for each address.
Orders must be received before 4:00 pm, in the recipient's time zone, to assure next-day delivery.
Orders received after that time will be delivered the following business day.
We will do our best to accommodate deliveries at specific times of day, but we cannot guarantee it.
We are unable to make deliveries on Sundays.
Delivery of orders to rural route addresses or cemeteries cannot be guaranteed.